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The Non-commissioned officer (NCO) of the Army participates in the 12th Annual Conference of the European Armies for the NCOs

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Number: 6637

The conference was celebrated this year in London

The conference was celebrated this year in London

The conference was celebrated this year in London (Photo:C.of E.A. for noncommissioned officers)

The Sergeant Major of the Spanish Army, Francisco Coloma, has participated in the 12th Annual Conference of the European Armies for NCO, celebrated in London, from the 1st to the 4th of May.

In this edition, the hosts of the conference have been the Army of the United States of America in Europe and the Army of the United Kingdom. This meeting is an opportunity for the European NCOs to interact in a working environment and to establish formal and informal relationships with their European homonymous.

The main topic of the expositions and debates has been "NCOs: Professional leaders of character".