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Two Army officers participate in the Specialised Conference of American Armies

Monday, February 18, 2019

Number: 7159

In the U.S.

The U.S. city of San Antonio (Texas) hosted between 5th-7th February the 33rd Conference of American Armies (CEA). A commission formed by the Spanish liaison officer in the CEA–part of the Plans Division of the Army Staff–and an analist from the Army Training and Doctrine Command participated.

The CEA is a discussion forum for exchanging ideas and experiences among the American Armies. Thus, Spanish officers, two major were present at this meeting, specialised in the support by the armies to civilian authorities in the fight against threats.

The Spanish Army has the status of special observer in this conference. It is the only non-American army participating. Its participation as Spanish-speaking country is valued. It also combines a high level of doctrinal development, significant experience in operations and the European view, that enriches the debate.

Participants in the 33rd Conference

Participants in the 33rd Conference