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A more immersive Steal Beasts simulator in ‘Farnesio’

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Number: 7340

Los puestos tácticos se asemejan más a la rea

The tactical posts more closely resemble reality

Uno de los puestos de simulador Steel Beats

One of the Steel Beasts simulator posts

Combat vehicle crews from the 1st ‘Farnesio’ Cavalry Regiment, situated in ‘El Empecinado’ base (Santovenia de Pisuerga, Valladolid) will have a more immersive experience when using the Steel Beasts simulator thanks to the creation of tactical posts and a control room which puts every crew member in a position which is very similar to the real life situation.

The project to refurbish the rooms which house the system was carried out by the regiment’s support and simulation team and has enabled, at a highly reduced cost, the creation of different tactical posts – vehicle commander, shooter and driver (the charger stays in automatic mode) – with a very similar layout to real armoured vehicles.  In this way, the crews will have an experience which is much closer to the real experience of being in one of these vehicles.

The posts can be used individually or in crew mode and, because the room in which they are situated is totally interconnected, they can connect with others to carry out higher level exercises.

In this way, the ‘Farnesio’ and the Armed Forces show the possibilities which simulation equipment offers as a cheaper and lower risk alternative for the instruction and training of their members.