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Completion of refurbishment works at 'San Gregorio' training centre for NATO exercise

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Number: 4543

Training centre gets ready for exercise Trident Juncture-15

Observation point and route

Observation point and route (Photo: CENAD SG)

Water passage

Water passage (Photo: CENAD SG)

Terrace for spectators

Terrace for spectators (Photo: CENAD SG)

The “San Gregorio” training centre (CENAD SG, by its Spanish acronym) will host part of the NATO exercise Trident Juncture-15, which will test the Army both logistically and operationally. The centre will receive 10,000 out of the 36,000 troops taking part in the exercise. As a result, the 11th Engineering Specialties Regiment and the 12th Pontonier & Engineering Specialties Regiment have been working throughout the summer carrying out refurbishment works in the part of the training ground which will be used during the exercise.

The works undertaken include the upgrading of a three-kilometre civilian road and a six-kilometre road within the training ground itself. In addition, the area from which spectators and accredited media will be observing the exercise has been levelled and compacted.

At the same time, the Works Command has been refurbishing and expanding the centre’s Waste Transfer Point. CENAD SG has thus reached very high environmental standards, reflecting an ongoing concern which was acknowledged when it was awarded the Environmental Management Certificate GA-2006/0314 by the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification AENOR, which is in compliance with ISO 14001:2004.

The characteristics and high quality of the works at a time of budget cuts show the Army’s efforts to optimise its capabilities and make an efficient use thereof.